Saturday, April 26, 2008

I am ok...

Alrite.. I am ok la... Back is still painful.. but at least there's no crack or fracture or anything.. Just that I fall hard and hit my bone quite hard too... =)

Things at home is extremely gloomy... I dont know how to let them know I am feeling lost, confused too... I guess they will never come to terms that I DO FEEL STRESSED UP BY THEIR MATTERS TOO...

As much as you want my comments, you all aint willing to listen. What you all expect from me?

When I say I shall care no more. What you all want, you all go decide yourself. Now I become the bad person. What you all want from me? What you all want me to say to you? Can just type out a script? I will just act out for you. I am feeling tired AS WELL.

If only they can read what I am typing here..

Of course I would hope that things can become MUCH better... But when both is not willing to listen. And both think their support (me) is not helping them and making them feel like unwanted in the family, things will not become better...


I am ok, no worries. Guess I am done with my update. Ciaoz~

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

So contradicting..

I have been thinking of tking MC today.. However had decided that I should save up my MCs for the later part of the year... So I dunno if it's cuz QAD left Silkair, her MC curse is passed down to me or its just my luck...Guess its e latter... (QAD! Jk la.. hehe~)

Yesterday morning started off really bad with an extremely heavy rain... Were thinking of my really slippery sandals... Luckily my dad agreed to send me to the TP busstop... Then followed by massive jams despite the fact that I went out 15 mins earlier than usual, I reached tpy inter like 20 mins later than usual..

My 'glorious' arrival at the TPY inter is accompanied by a really nice fall on my back... Guess this fall really mark the worse slip/fall so far... The pain is... I dont know how to describe.... I can't sit at all can... Maybe I can, but the getting up part is really torturous.... My colleagues' guess is tt I had hurt my tailbone/spine.. dunno la... It still hurts..

Now I can't lie down. I cant sit... Alrite, not so bad.. I can sit n lie down.. Just that it isnt easy... I kept on waking up in e middle of the night due to the pain and discomfort... Now, as much as I wan to keng MC... I would rather to be at work now... Sigh..

And ya, I will be off to the polyclinic to see e Dr later... Not sure if I would need a X-ray... I seriously hope its nothing serious! Sigh.. Suay la....

I guess my last 36 bucks to survive till 25th will be depleted by today.. Bless me pls..


Sunday, April 20, 2008


It's a lazy Sunday.... The smoke from the joss sticks is really irritating me....My eyes that is...

Can't wait for Epi 19 to be screen tmr~

Am still considering whether to try for the position Von told me abt... Too many things to consider.. Of course for people who know me well have already given up hopes on me... I am too fickle minded alr... WOrry for too many things that is like not impt... Like what 1 of my colleague say, if I cont to think so much, I will definitely get the Long Service Award from NHG. (Provided I'm not being sacked la... =p)

The Annual Performance Appraisal is coming soon.. Not that I am very bothered by what my superiors gonna say about me. It's not gg to be positive anyway. I can even dream on for wanting a decent testimonial before I leave. However, I am more concern over the money I will get... Imagine if I get a C this year, I am only entitled to 0.25 of certain bonus components la... Sian... If only I do not need to worry so much on the finance for my studies....

Was talking to Regina regarding some issues on growing up... I guess its really like what I seen/heard from somwhere... A person emotion throughout the life is like a 'U' shape.... You start off high, feeling good with all attention being showered on you. And its gradually goes down the slope when responsibilites start to weigh down on our shoulders. Problems from friends, family, your loved one, work start to weigh our heart as well... As you grow older, your kids are grown up and started their own family, your burden then slowly got offloaded 1 by 1. Then you start to feel happier in the golden years of life.

However on 2nd thought, as you feel happier in the later part of life. Does it seems that your own responsibilities are being offloaded onto someone else shoulder? Then the whole vicious cycle continues.. Sigh...

As much as I rant, complain about anything or anyone in my life. I also cant imagine if anyone or any of such disappear from my life. Alright... I guess its more of the people...

So conclusion, thanks to anyone out there who have left their footprints in my life. Even if we are no longer friends, no longer talk to each other. I would hope that there will be 1 day we can still talk when we bump into each other on the streets. But as of now, I hope every single one of u is happy with their life.

And to those whom is still with me. I love all of you. =)

SIan de lor....

Sian Sian Sian!

I want to cut/trim my hair la....

I want to tidy up my room la....

I want to get MC for tmr la...



ARGH! Out...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Backdated Photo Blog

And I am back from a 3d2n chalet with my babes! Hehe~ It's a total R&R chalet retreat.. I guess almost everything is like impromptu.. Including the BBQ... haha~ Here goes... *BEWARE* Lotsa photos!

Introducing the long time ex-lab partners!

As me, Jan & Xiao Ben got too bored!
And in actual fact, Jan hates Ben!!!

As we got a lil bored during BBQ, we started playing with our cam!

And to prove QAD's fetish here... Haha~

And introducing Hao hao Mao Mao!!!! CUte eh!

On a side note, we had a karaoke session on 05042008... Hehe~ A worthwhile session, I guess we will be gg back to Chinatown for more KBox session? Sigh.. Have a craving for KBox again... ZZ~ Shall we go again soon? hehe~

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Looking forward!

Chalet short getaway is coming! Can't wait la.. Need a breather badly!

TKA is ending in like 3 weeks time? SO SAD CAN!!

And ya, I am having mixed feelings about school now... Can't wait for it to start and can't wait for it to end too... Sigh


Sunday, April 6, 2008

TKA Epi 17 synopsis (in Chinese)






裕樹找直樹談,問他怎麼會喜歡湘琴,直樹說自己可以做到世界上 90 %的事,而剩下 10






GOSH GOSH! Yu shu and Hao mei offically together... Bah!!
And it's ending soon... Sian-ed.. Gonna have those withdrawal syntopms
again!! I

I can't wait la!!!

CAN THEY KISS AGAIN EPISODE 17 BE UPLOADED NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Mummy's Girl 是也!!


难道我现在不是为了自己而活吗? 感觉上我做的每一件事都是为了敷衍,应酬别人的意思和想法。 慢慢的,自己的自我与及思想也活活的被吞没了。

我也发现我正在承担的压力是完全我为了不要起争执而产生的。可是渐渐的, 又为了避开争执发生更多的口角。我又从没尝试过说出我的感受? 尝试了,换来的却是更多的冷言冷语。这也让我觉得其实我的存在会让人感到更不高兴。我知道这些想法是很傻, 不过如果你们也换个角度来看我的人生, 在何时我做的决定真的是为我自己想呢? 说多,事情更多。那又何必说出我到底想什么呢? 算了,就如我以前说过的,就让我在这属于我自己的私人空间法个牢骚吧... 我也会渐渐得学会如何处理自己的想法与及感受。

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


It get too tiring when you don't know why you're working so hard for...

It gets too tiring when no one appreciate.recognise but make u a scapegoat instead..

Sigh... My job rocks to e core la! I so love my job. I shall really aim for the long service award! My career goal shall be a Pharmacy Executive in 15 years time. ZZZ

Tuesday, April 1, 2008





Anyway it feels nice to meetup with my girlies after work la.. LoL~ QAD, next time when we meetup come to TPY and we go tamp tog la... =X

Nitez world!~ This is a pointless entry!