他又总是对我说会什么她总是那个老样子,她最好不要得寸进尺, 不然你会让她后悔。。
她也总是说她自己一个人在战场, 没人支持她,没人相信她的想法。。。 生儿育女有个屁用。。。
算了,不要理我。。。 让我发个牢骚吧。。。 不然我真的会疯掉。。。
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A day to unwind~
Well, today's my leave and I went out to town with Sze hui to unwind...
A buffet lunch @ Kuishinbo
KBox session from 2pm tp 7pm... (Blardy worth it.... 12 pieces of nuggets, free flow of coke/sprite, fruits & tidbits just @ $14.50 nett per person...)
Shopping after tt...
Shiok or not...
But my wallet is very sad now.. ZZZ~
A buffet lunch @ Kuishinbo
KBox session from 2pm tp 7pm... (Blardy worth it.... 12 pieces of nuggets, free flow of coke/sprite, fruits & tidbits just @ $14.50 nett per person...)
Shopping after tt...
Shiok or not...
But my wallet is very sad now.. ZZZ~
Monday, February 18, 2008
I am in a big shit dilemma again...
Damn la.... Szehui just smsed me telling me abt hor the gahment decided to fund part time degrees by UniSIM starting from July... Fish man... And its up to 40% of subsidy la!
And for the growth divendends.. YM.. for your info/understanding..
And from the UniSIM student email....
"Dear UniSIM studentsWe are pleased to inform you that today (15 February 2008), in the budget speech in Parliament, the Singapore Government announced its decision to provide funding for study of part-time degree programmes awarded by NUS, NTU, SMU and UniSIM.This is part of the broader national plan to promote continuing education and training among the Singapore workforce and shall be applicable to new and existing students studying under UniSIM degree programmes from July 2008.Implementation details are still being worked out at this point. Further announcements will be made once the details are finalised. We thank you for your patience."Here's an excerpt from CNA article:"Those who wish to pursue a part-time course particularly at the three
public-funded universities and UniSIM, can expect a 40 percent subsidy for
course programmes from the Government."
TELL ME HOW... Continue to stick to my UOL or go UniSIM... 40% is really alot can? Imagine can save at least 10K leh.... Sian ah!!!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
你 給 別 人 的 形 象
(1) 你會把自己比喻成哪種花香?
濃郁的花香 --> 去第2題
清淡的花香 --> 去第3題
(2) 你會選擇哪種香味的潤唇膏?
水果味 --> 去第4題
薄荷味 --> 去第5題
(3) 你會把自己比喻為哪種花束?
紅色系的花束(如紅色/粉紅色/橙色) --> 去第2題
非紅色系的花束(如白色/藍色/紫色) --> 去第5題
(4) 你跟意中人首次約會用什麼香水?
帶有甜味的花香 --> 去第6題
清爽的水果香味 --> 去第7題
(5) 你較喜歡哪種味道?
盛夏乾燥的草味 --> 去第4題
雨後濕淋淋的草味 --> 去第7題
(6) 玫瑰和百合,你較喜歡哪種香味?
玫瑰 --> 去第8題
百合 --> 去第9題
(7) 你剛發現一瓶新款洗頭水,你十分喜歡它的味道,那瓶子的形狀是怎樣的?
圓形 -->去第6題
長身形 --> 去第10題
(8) 當你情緒低落時,哪種味道最能撫慰你的心靈?
花香 --> 去第11題
森林的味道 --> 去第12題
(9) 你在收視超高的劇集中看見一個香包,收O什麼顏色?
紫色 --> 去第8題
紅色 --> 去第12題
(10) 市面剛推出了一種全新的香草味雪糕,你的看法是什麼?
相當引人注意 --> 去第9題
不太引人注意 --> 去第13題
(11) 下列哪種味道會勾起你懷念的感覺?
麵包香味 --> 去第14題
大自然的味道 --> 去第15題
(12) 如果月亮的光輝會發出味道,你嗅到後會聯想起下列哪組形容詞?
刺激/燦爛奪目/香味四溢 --> 去第11題
沉鬱/弧獨/踏實/安靜 -->去第15題
(13) 你較喜歡哪種香味?
香料 --> 去第12題
茶香 --> 去第16題
(14) 你對體味的看法是?
非常討厭 --> 去第17題
如果是自己喜歡的味道就沒有關係 --> 去第18題
(15) 你覺得什麼香味較有助提神?
柑橘香 --> 去第14題
薄荷香 -->去第18題
(16) 你喜歡異性身上有哪種香味?
香水味 --> 去第15題
自然肥皂 --> 去第19題
(17) 想起遊樂場,你會想起哪種味道?
牛奶及葡萄 --> 去第20題
甜甜的糖果 --> 去第21題
(18) 如果要在房間燃點香薰,你喜歡哪一種形狀的香薰?
三角錐形 --> 去第17題
棒狀 --> 去第21題
(19) 你對於香水的看法是?
非常喜歡 --> 去第18題
不算十分喜歡 --> 去第22題
(20) 對於嬰兒使用的肥皂系列香味有什麼看法?
喜歡 --> A 型
不是特別喜歡 --> B 型
(21) 你知道自己的味道嗎?
不知道 --> 去第20題
知道 --> C 型
(22) 喜歡皮革的味道嗎?
喜歡 --> 去第21題
討厭 --> D 型
*~ 解 析 ~*
◆ A. 你是屬於水果香形象你充滿自由愉悅的氣息,總是沉溺左遊樂場當中,像個天真無邪的孩子。有你在的地方,整個氣氛都會興奮起來,所以你是聚會中不可或缺的人物。
◆ B. 你是屬於東方花香形象你擁有強烈的自我意識及自己的世界,不會被他人玩弄於股掌之間,會利用自己的力量積極地達成願望,給人有熱情的印象。你不會跟朋友糾纏不清,再加上給人單獨行動的印象,圍繞在你週遭的人都會覺得你是一個「帶有神秘色彩的人物」。
◆ C. 你是屬於草香形象你擁有非常堅強的意志,不依賴他人,給人獨來獨往的印象。你擁有旺盛的好奇心與豐富的感受性,是個過著知性生活的現代人。驟看下你是個自命清高,不好相處的人,但是一旦跟你交談後,就知道你很好相處,等到交情加深之後,就更知道你其實擁有很爽快的個性。
◆ D. 你是屬於花香形象你總是給人樂觀、積極和勇於面對困難的感覺,而且溫柔優雅,很懂得為他人設想,給人非常擅長維繫人際關係的印象。這樣的你讓人感到既堅強又脆弱,尤其是你那關懷體貼的包容力,更讓人覺得你相當有魅力,很值得信賴。
So whats yours? Hehe~ I'm type A though... =]
(1) 你會把自己比喻成哪種花香?
濃郁的花香 --> 去第2題
清淡的花香 --> 去第3題
(2) 你會選擇哪種香味的潤唇膏?
水果味 --> 去第4題
薄荷味 --> 去第5題
(3) 你會把自己比喻為哪種花束?
紅色系的花束(如紅色/粉紅色/橙色) --> 去第2題
非紅色系的花束(如白色/藍色/紫色) --> 去第5題
(4) 你跟意中人首次約會用什麼香水?
帶有甜味的花香 --> 去第6題
清爽的水果香味 --> 去第7題
(5) 你較喜歡哪種味道?
盛夏乾燥的草味 --> 去第4題
雨後濕淋淋的草味 --> 去第7題
(6) 玫瑰和百合,你較喜歡哪種香味?
玫瑰 --> 去第8題
百合 --> 去第9題
(7) 你剛發現一瓶新款洗頭水,你十分喜歡它的味道,那瓶子的形狀是怎樣的?
圓形 -->去第6題
長身形 --> 去第10題
(8) 當你情緒低落時,哪種味道最能撫慰你的心靈?
花香 --> 去第11題
森林的味道 --> 去第12題
(9) 你在收視超高的劇集中看見一個香包,收O什麼顏色?
紫色 --> 去第8題
紅色 --> 去第12題
(10) 市面剛推出了一種全新的香草味雪糕,你的看法是什麼?
相當引人注意 --> 去第9題
不太引人注意 --> 去第13題
(11) 下列哪種味道會勾起你懷念的感覺?
麵包香味 --> 去第14題
大自然的味道 --> 去第15題
(12) 如果月亮的光輝會發出味道,你嗅到後會聯想起下列哪組形容詞?
刺激/燦爛奪目/香味四溢 --> 去第11題
沉鬱/弧獨/踏實/安靜 -->去第15題
(13) 你較喜歡哪種香味?
香料 --> 去第12題
茶香 --> 去第16題
(14) 你對體味的看法是?
非常討厭 --> 去第17題
如果是自己喜歡的味道就沒有關係 --> 去第18題
(15) 你覺得什麼香味較有助提神?
柑橘香 --> 去第14題
薄荷香 -->去第18題
(16) 你喜歡異性身上有哪種香味?
香水味 --> 去第15題
自然肥皂 --> 去第19題
(17) 想起遊樂場,你會想起哪種味道?
牛奶及葡萄 --> 去第20題
甜甜的糖果 --> 去第21題
(18) 如果要在房間燃點香薰,你喜歡哪一種形狀的香薰?
三角錐形 --> 去第17題
棒狀 --> 去第21題
(19) 你對於香水的看法是?
非常喜歡 --> 去第18題
不算十分喜歡 --> 去第22題
(20) 對於嬰兒使用的肥皂系列香味有什麼看法?
喜歡 --> A 型
不是特別喜歡 --> B 型
(21) 你知道自己的味道嗎?
不知道 --> 去第20題
知道 --> C 型
(22) 喜歡皮革的味道嗎?
喜歡 --> 去第21題
討厭 --> D 型
*~ 解 析 ~*
◆ A. 你是屬於水果香形象你充滿自由愉悅的氣息,總是沉溺左遊樂場當中,像個天真無邪的孩子。有你在的地方,整個氣氛都會興奮起來,所以你是聚會中不可或缺的人物。
◆ B. 你是屬於東方花香形象你擁有強烈的自我意識及自己的世界,不會被他人玩弄於股掌之間,會利用自己的力量積極地達成願望,給人有熱情的印象。你不會跟朋友糾纏不清,再加上給人單獨行動的印象,圍繞在你週遭的人都會覺得你是一個「帶有神秘色彩的人物」。
◆ C. 你是屬於草香形象你擁有非常堅強的意志,不依賴他人,給人獨來獨往的印象。你擁有旺盛的好奇心與豐富的感受性,是個過著知性生活的現代人。驟看下你是個自命清高,不好相處的人,但是一旦跟你交談後,就知道你很好相處,等到交情加深之後,就更知道你其實擁有很爽快的個性。
◆ D. 你是屬於花香形象你總是給人樂觀、積極和勇於面對困難的感覺,而且溫柔優雅,很懂得為他人設想,給人非常擅長維繫人際關係的印象。這樣的你讓人感到既堅強又脆弱,尤其是你那關懷體貼的包容力,更讓人覺得你相當有魅力,很值得信賴。
So whats yours? Hehe~ I'm type A though... =]
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Unprepared, that is...
Well well, BTT on monday and I am not even 20% prepared for the test. heck la.. Everything is like so dry and boring....
CNY visiting tmr is off due to poor attendance, looks like its gonna be another year of wait....
-brb.. nose bleeding-
Alrite... Went off to slack with kymmie after work today... Haha~ Funny girl la... We were like so crappy and tired thru out the day. But enjoyed myself.. Kinda unwind.. Thanks girl.... And we have got an idea to start some online thinggy.... Lets hope it can get on track soon!
CNY visiting tmr is off due to poor attendance, looks like its gonna be another year of wait....
-brb.. nose bleeding-
Alrite... Went off to slack with kymmie after work today... Haha~ Funny girl la... We were like so crappy and tired thru out the day. But enjoyed myself.. Kinda unwind.. Thanks girl.... And we have got an idea to start some online thinggy.... Lets hope it can get on track soon!

Kymmie looking at the girl whose sitting at e next seat...
And yes! I am gonne be $400 richer with the Growth divendends. This is what SGP is good at right? =P
Alrite.. signing off now... Really cant wait for sch to start in Aug... Sigh... Give me another hols b4 sch start please!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
What a CNY~
This CNY must have been an eventful one... Esp with the infamous sex scandal updates everywhere.. Not sure if it is gg to end soon, but do hope the culprit have some conscience at least to let those female artistes off.. It will really be very hard on them in the future since their reputation is totally tarnish already...



Went off for a K session ytd with my babes.. Heh heh~Think we really cannot tk buffet. We really did not eat much.... And the K session is shorten to 3 hours instead of 4 just because KBox is very busy and crowded... Bah~ Cheat money!
After K we went to walk ard.. wanted to go for hot choco @ Mac, but too crowded la... So ended up at Hongkong cafe for a short chat before parting.... Sigh.. when can we go for our next K session?
Seriously hope I can go back to my student days... They're so much carefree, I always dread growing up. I never want to imagine the days when my loved ones will leave me 1 by 1. Simply cant bear the thuoght of it... Can I remain a 18 years old forever? Sigh...
Some peektures me and my babes took ytd~




Friday, February 8, 2008
Job statisfaction
Something I learn from a colleague who had just started school in UniSIM. I find this formula rather meaningful..
Job Satisfaction ( y ) = f{x1 + x2 + x3 ..} , where the independent variable ( x ) can be salary, career progress, colleagues ..
Make sense right? But the more I look at it, the more I am convinved I should leave my job. Sigh. Talked to my mum again, looks like she's shaken from my uncle's comment (yet again). Got quite sick when she don't really trust my judgement. What to do. As much as I want to resign, I have got no new job, how to resign?! Sian....
Job Satisfaction ( y ) = f{x1 + x2 + x3 ..} , where the independent variable ( x ) can be salary, career progress, colleagues ..
Make sense right? But the more I look at it, the more I am convinved I should leave my job. Sigh. Talked to my mum again, looks like she's shaken from my uncle's comment (yet again). Got quite sick when she don't really trust my judgement. What to do. As much as I want to resign, I have got no new job, how to resign?! Sian....
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Happy CNY
Happy CNY all... Had a sumptuous steamboat reunion ytd night... Well, I had a whole day worth of steamboat meals today also... No visiting as usual. Ha~
Looking forward to Sat so I can go out and tk a breather....
Can work be free of worries, can I be healthier, Can I be free from monetary woes this lunar year ahead?
Looking forward to Sat so I can go out and tk a breather....
Can work be free of worries, can I be healthier, Can I be free from monetary woes this lunar year ahead?
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I want...
I want......
KBox Sessionssss
Shopping sessionssss
Chilling Sessionsssss
Slacking sessionssss
Good-Food-Day Sessionssss
Thus, I need...
Endless and unlimited off days while still in job....
Unlimited moola to spend......
KBox Sessionssss
Shopping sessionssss
Chilling Sessionsssss
Slacking sessionssss
Good-Food-Day Sessionssss
Thus, I need...
Endless and unlimited off days while still in job....
Unlimited moola to spend......
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